08 December 2010 @ 09:46 am EST
A new investigation reveals that a long term use of aspirin in low dosage can significantly reduce the risk of dying due to cancer. A British research team presented evidence showing the a low dose of aspirin in 75 milligrams that is taken daily for not less than five years brings a drop of 10 to 60 percent in cancer risks depending on its severity and type.
These specific findings are rooted from a new analysis of eight studies which involved more than 25,500 patients. This is initially conducted in order to see the potential of low-dose aspirin to protect against cardiovascular diseases. The observations made are designed according to the previous research conducted by the same researchers. They reported in October that a long-term regimen of low-dose aspirin can, in a way, drop the risk of deaths due to colorectal cancer by nearly one third.The study team noted that the findings had provided a tangible proof that aspirin can help man in reducing certain deaths due to cancers. However, Prof. Peter Rothwell, the study’s lead author from John Radcliffe Hospital and the University of Oxford, noted that the results are not the same as to saying that all adults should instantly take aspirin. Rothwell said that there were major benefits shown in using aspirin that have not been included before into the guideline recommendations. However, the guideline also states clearly that aspirin intake can result to bleeding, which may outdo the benefits from stroke and heart attacks prevention. Rothwell further noted that the reduction in deaths caused by most common cancers will now modify the said balance for most people.
Rothwell, together with his colleagues, made their findings available online on December 7 in the online edition of The Lancet. The said research was conducted for about four to eight years. The patients, however, have been monitored for more than 20 years after. Some of them were given low dosage of aspirin while the others were not.
During the undertaking of the studies, as the authors said, the overall risk of cancer deaths plunged by 21 percent among the patients who have been taking low dosage of aspirin. The long term benefits for other patients only showed five years after the studies has ended.
After five years, deaths that were caused by gastrointestinal cancers dropped by 54 percent among the patients who underwent low-dose aspirin regimen. However, the benefit of low-dose aspirin for colorectal cancer was not visible until after 10 years. On the other hand, it took 15 years to see the benefits of low-dose aspirin in prostate cancer.
After 22 years after the initial study was conducted, death risks fell by 10 percent among those with prostate cancer. Lung cancer patients also saw an improvement, with 30 percent drop on death risks. 40 percent of colorectal cancer deaths have been cut down and lastly, 60 percent drop was visible among esophageal cancer patients.